It all started with one man's love for nutritious and interesting food. Manu Mahdi, our CEO & Founder is all too familiar with world cuisines and is a huge foodie himself. During his corporate stint spanning 16 years, travelling the world, he was always eager to try local cuisines, however bizarre. A career later in the food industry was somehow inevitable.

But it not until a short stint managing his family-owned healthcare group as it's CEO that he saw a different malaise associated with the consumption of food that he got increasingly interested in understanding “food as medicine”. All the mind-boggling research findings somehow linked the alarming proliferation of chronic conditions like Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes, Obesity to one single factor - the food we eat. After seeing up close many near friends and family in recent times battling Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Hypertension, premature Diabetes and more, it led him to read and understand even more on how the chemicals and toxins in the industrially-produced food could be the main culprit, couples with combination of other lifestyle factors.

Following a couple of years of personal research and thought provoking discussions and insights from and with pioneers from various sectors of health and wellness, he came to discern that what people actually need in their food options is essentially food as our grandparents ate, food that is safe and non-toxic. Alongside such insights, what also turned out evident was the growing demand for niche and specialized food choices of people as their ideologies, perspectives and individual body requirements changed over time. And these requirements seemed to remain unmet by the market offerings.

Thus was born Organic&, rooted in the principles of health, safety and sustainability. The endeavour of this ‘start-up with a heart’(as we like to call it) is to provide a one-stop shop for authentic, organic, vegan, gluten-free and other niche food categories. We strive to offer options that make the next generation 'think' their food, be responsible consumers and ethical world citizens which will eventually create a healthy generation, a conscientious society, and a sustainable planet.

We are predominantly an e-commerce platform and at present the largest online retailer for all products Organic, Vegan, Natural & Specialty. Also building strongly alongside is our B2B vertical catering to the growing demand from hotels, restaurants & cafes for vegan, healthy, nutritional & organic ingredients and other products.


Let’s go back to the past to build a better tomorrow - Come, Join the Revolution!

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