CAVIAR Imperial, 50g


Sale priceAED 849.00

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IMPERIAL CAVIAR is a term used to describe caviar of the highest quality and prestige. It often refers to caviar harvested from the largest and oldest sturgeon, typically Beluga or Kaluga sturgeon, which are known for producing the largest and most luxurious eggs.

The term "imperial" suggests a regal or royal connotation, highlighting the luxurious nature of the caviar. Imperial caviar is often characterized by its large, glossy black eggs, delicate texture, and rich, buttery flavor. It is considered a delicacy and is often served at upscale events, fine dining restaurants, and special occasions.



Traditionally the term caviar refers only to roe from wild sturgeon in the Caspian and Black Seas. Caviar is actually unfertilized salt-cured fish eggs from different species of sturgeon. Real caviar is a luxury food because of its scarcity, delicacy, and taste. Caviar is a source of vitamins and minerals, including omega 3, which helps to promote a healthy nervous, circulatory, and immune system. One serving of caviar has an adult’s daily requirement of Vitamin B12. Other nutrients included are vitamins A, E, B6, Iron, Magnesium, and Selenium. 

Caviar is often regarded as a luxury food item, and while it's primarily enjoyed for its taste and culinary experience, it does offer some potential health benefits due to its nutrient content.


  1. Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Caviar is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA and DHA, which are essential for heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation in the body.

  2. High Protein Content: Caviar is a high-protein food, which is essential for muscle repair, growth, and overall body function. It provides all the essential amino acids needed for protein synthesis.

  3. Vitamins and Minerals: Caviar contains various vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin E, selenium, and zinc. These nutrients play crucial roles in immune function, skin health, vision, and overall well-being.

  4. Low in Calories: Caviar is relatively low in calories compared to other luxury food items, making it a suitable choice for those watching their calorie intake while still indulging in a gourmet experience.

  5. Collagen Production: Some studies suggest that the collagen found in fish roe, including caviar, may promote skin health and contribute to the body's natural collagen production, helping to maintain skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.

NOTE: However, it's essential to consume caviar in moderation due to its high salt content and potential environmental concerns regarding overfishing and sustainability. Additionally, individuals with seafood allergies or concerns about heavy metal contamination should exercise caution when consuming caviar.

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